Decolonize Mainstream Politics: The Conservative’s Token Indian

Note: While my focus is on the USA, the horrors of colonization- then and now- occurred and still continue, all across Abya Yala.

mad-46338_640I received the video version of this post via social media. I got it more than once and from more than one Indigenous person. Its message, and the way my Indigenous relatives were lapping it up, broke my heart. The fact that the messenger is an Indigenous person, a woman, a Mother of Nations, only made it worse.

Then it pissed me off.

You see, this is some assimilating bullshit. So, let’s consider Ms. Mikaela Lyrea’s political message and compare it to the facts; “as…Native American.” Continue reading “Decolonize Mainstream Politics: The Conservative’s Token Indian”

Ayaca e’ Iguana: Decolonizing Indigenous Diets

Cyclura nubila- Cuban Rock Iguana

Most of the social and spiritual gatherings I participate in are composed of people from a variety of ethnicities and beliefs. Coming from a multi-cultural background myself, this is usually not an issue. Yet, as years have gone by, I’m finding myself feeling increasingly uneasy at the upcoming of any new event. We all have cultural blind spots and a certain amount of ethnocentricity, yes. Because of this awareness, I try not to look for offense in the ignorance of others; we are all working from our own programming and we are all in different spaces. But this discomfort continues and for the longest, I couldn’t quite pin-point what it was that bothered me so much about non-Indian guests in our gatherings. Continue reading “Ayaca e’ Iguana: Decolonizing Indigenous Diets”

Whitewashing the silences created by the conqueror’s history

Haga “click” aquí para ver el artículo en español.

The film I share below is from the TED website.  Although I have issue with some of the ideas they propose as well as some of the support they receive, they do have some wonderful presentations that open your eyes to thoughts and ideas you may not have been aware of.  That’s what growth is all about- awareness- ennit?

The following is a presentation that touches on the history of the relationship between the US and the Indigenous people of the land they invaded and conquered, as evidenced by the relationships held with the Lakota.

This is not the history you were taught in school…

Why We Should NOT Celebrate Columbus Day

A point by point response to the flyer, Why We Should Celebrate Columbus Day, prepared by: The Order of the Sons of Italy in America in Washington, D.C.  Telephone: 202/547-2900  Web: (update: the flyer has been condensed into a page.) Continue reading “Why We Should NOT Celebrate Columbus Day”

The conquering of the American Hemisphere and Indian Country~Thoughts on Columbus Day 2010


Found in Wikimedia Commons-
“Spirit of the Frontier” portraying the idea of manifest destiny, the holy duty to expand west in the name of God.

Continue reading “The conquering of the American Hemisphere and Indian Country~Thoughts on Columbus Day 2010”

Nanas and Beans and Heads, oh my!

Further Afrocentric criticism dissected…

Again, I received a response regarding my thoughts on the topic of Afrocentrism.  These were posted in the comment section of the essay titled They came before Columbus…and what?!? . Because these questions are valid and others may have them as well, I sought to respond via email as well as in essay form. Continue reading “Nanas and Beans and Heads, oh my!”

In the spirit of Hatuey

It has come to my attention that my words have caused a flurry of confusion, anger, criticism and gossip regarding the thoughts and feelings I have shared about the UCTP and the behavior of its president, Roberto Borrero.

Continue reading “In the spirit of Hatuey”

They came before Columbus… and what?!?

I read They Came Before Columbus:  The African Presence in Ancient America by Ivan Van Sertima.  I wasn’t halfway through this book and I was thoroughly offended, but I finished it just to hear their point of view.

I don’t buy it.

Continue reading “They came before Columbus… and what?!?”